Siebielec S., Woźniak M., Gałązka A., Siebielec G. (2020): Microorganisms as indoor and outdoor air biological pollution. Advancements of Microbiology (Postępy Mikrobiologii), 59, 2, 115-127 (20 pkt. MNiSW, IF = 0,263)


DOI: http://10.21307/PM-2020.59.2.009



Air pollution is a major threat to human health. Biological air pollution is predominantly caused by the pollen of plants, fungi, bacteria and viruses. The main sources of microorganisms in the air include soil, water and the decomposition of organic matter, while anthropogenic sources are represented by landfills, wastewater treatment plants, composting facilities and traffic. Microorganism populations in the air can be seasonal or relatively constant, but the most frequent increase in their occurrence is recorded in the summer and autumn. Studies show that humidity, the presence of carbon monoxide and ozone concentrations are the main factors affecting the diversity of bacteria and the percentage of pathogenic bacteria present in outdoor air. Microorganisms in the air inside residential buildings are primarily concentrated on dust particles. Approximately 60% of dust microbiota are spores of mould fungi. The key emitters of microorganisms into the atmosphere are municipal wastewater treatment plants. The bacteria and pathogens released are potentially resistant to antibiotics, rendering the bioaerosols of wastewater treatment plants a possible hazard to human health. There is a need for further research aimed at explaining the magnitude of impacts of air microorganisms on human health.

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