Nowa publikacja w Postępach Mikrobiologii

Nowa publikacja w Postępach Mikrobiologii

Biochemiczne metody oceny różnorodności funkcjonalnej i strukturalnej mikroorganizmów glebowych, Furtak K., Gajda A.M., Postępy Mikrobiologii; 2018, 57, 2, s.194-202.
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Mikrobiom glebowy składa się z wysoce zróżnicowanych pod względem strukturalnym oraz funkcjonalnym grup mikroorganizmów. Stanowi on obiekt licznych badań od wielu lat, jednakże wciąż pozostaje nie do końca poznany. Wiadome jest, że mikroorganizmy glebowe odgrywają główną rolę w procesach biogeochemicznych. Znajomość ich różnorodności strukturalnej i funkcjonalnej pozwala zatem na ocenę stanu środowiska glebowego, co jest niezwykle istotne dla agronomii oraz ekologii. Działalność rolnicza oraz premysłowa człowieka powoduje zmiany w aktywności gleby, które należy monitorować. W badaniach nad aktywnością i różnorodnością mikrobiologiczną gleby można wyróżnić wiele metod badawczych opracowywanych i udoskonalanych przez naukowców z całego świata. Metody biochemiczne stosowane w celu analizy aktywności mikrobiologicznej polegają na określeniu zdolności mikroorganizmów do syntezy, asymilacji bądź rozkładu określonych związków chemicznych, a także na analizie komponentów komórek drobnoustrojów. Omówiono w niniejszej pracy metody badawcze, które umożliwiają analizę zarówno funkcjonalności mikroorganizmów, jak i ich strukturalnego zróżnicowania.


Soil microbiome is composed of groups of microorganisms which are structurally and functionally very different. For many years soil microbiome has been the subject of numerous studies, but still is not fully recognized. It is well known that soil microorganisms play a key role in biogeochemical processes. Knowledge of their structural and functional diversity makes it possible to assess the condition of the soil environment, which is extremely important for agronomy and ecology. The agricultural and industrial activities of humans cause changes in soil activity, which should be monitored. There are many different research methods developed to analyze soil activity and microbiological soil diversity and refined by researchers from around the world in. Biochemical methods used to analyze microbial activity are based on the determination of the ability of microorganisms to synthesize, assimilate or decompose specific chemical compounds, as well as on the analysis of microbial cell components. This study presents the research methods used for the analysis of both: the functionality of microorganisms and their structural diversity

Publikacja w Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus

Publikacja w Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus

Abramczyk B.A., Król E.D., Zalewska E.D., Zimowska B., Morphological characteristics and pathogenicity of Diaporthe eres isolates to the fruit tree shoots, Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 2018, 125-133, DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2018.6.13.



This work is a continuation of research on Diaporthe genus isolates obtained in 2010-2012 from fruit trees
in Poland, which on the basis of previously conducted molecular tests, have been identified as one species
belonging to the
Diaporthe eres species complex. The aim of this study was to determine the morphology
and pathogenic abilities of tested
Diaporthe eres isolates. The experiment included cross tests, in which the
shoots of apple, pear, cherry and plum trees were inoculated with each of the 4 isolates derived from each
mentioned host plants. As a result of experiment, the pathogenic nature of
D. eres in relation to the shoots
of fruit trees, was confirmed. The isolates were also characterized on the basis of the colony appearance and
spore dimensions. Morphological features of studied
D. eres cultures were very similar, regardless of the
isolate and the host plant, from which they were obtained. All tested isolates formed alpha and beta conidia
having the same range size.

Nowa publikacja w BioResources

Nowa publikacja w BioResources

Microbial Diversity of Paulownia spp. Leaves – A New Source of Green Manure, Woźniak M., Gałązka A., Grządziel J., Frąc M.; BioResources, 2018

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This study aimed to analyze the structural and functional diversity of microorganisms inhabiting Paulownia spp. leaves. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Biolog EcoPlates were used to determine microbial diversity. The leaves of Paulownia spp. were taken from two different plantations. Among all the samples, P112_1 was the most abundantly colonized by plant growth promoting bacteria. Overall, the microbial community of the P. elongata × P. fortunei (PB) sample characterized the lowest metabolic activity with the utilization of the carbon sources. All communities used carbohydrates abundantly, whereas amines and amides were used the least. The differences observed may have been due to a variety of factors from composition of the chemicals in the leaf, to the soil type, to the climatic conditions.

Nowa publikacja w Science of The Total Environment

Nowa publikacja w Science of The Total Environment

Long term insight into biodiversity of a smelter wasteland reclaimed with biosolids and by-product lime, Siebielec S., Siebielec G., Stuczyński T., Sugier P., Grzeda E., Grządziel J.; Science of The Total Environment, 2018,


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Link do darmowego, 50-dniowego dostępu do artykułu (wygasa 22.06.2018): 



Smelter wastelands containing high amounts of zinc, lead, cadmium, and arsenic constitute a major problem worldwide. Serious hazards for human health and ecosystem functioning are related to a lack of vegetative cover, causing fugitive dust fluxes, runoff and leaching of metals, affecting post-industrial ecosystems, often in heavily populated areas. Previous studies demonstrated the short term effectiveness of assisted phytostabilisation of zinc and lead smelter slags, using biosolids and liming. However, a long term persistence of plant communities introduced for remediation and risk reduction has not been adequately evaluated.

The work was aimed at characterising trace element solubility, plant and microbial communities of the top layer of the reclaimed zinc and lead smelter waste heaps in Piekary Slaskie, Poland, 20 years after the treatment and revegetation. The surface layer of the waste heaps treated with various rates of biosolids and the by-product lime was sampled for measuring chemical and biochemical parameters, which are indicative for metals bioavailability as well as for microorganisms activity. Microbial processes were characterised by enzyme activities, abundance of specific groups of microorganisms and identification of N fixing bacteria. Plant communities of the area were characterised by a percent coverage of the surface and by a composition of plant species and plant diversity. The study provides a strong evidence that the implemented remediation approach enables a sustainable functioning of the ecosystem established on the toxic waste heaps. Enzyme activities and the count of various groups of microorganisms were the highest in areas treated with both biosolids and lime, regardless their rates. A high plant species diversity and microbial activities are sustainable after almost two decades from the treatment, which is indicative of a strong resistance of the established ecosystem to a metal stress and a poor physical quality of the anthropogenic soil formed by the treatment.

Nowa publikacja w Journal of Cleaner Production

Nowa publikacja w Journal of Cleaner Production

Long-term impact of sewage sludge, digestate and mineral fertilizers on plant yield and soil biological activity; Siebielec S., Siebielec G., Lipski D., 2018, 187: 372–379,  Journal of Cleaner Production,


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The aim of the study was to assess a long-term impact of the cumulative application of sewage sludge on plant yield and soil microbial parameters. The study was conducted in 1 m2 lysimeter plots. In 2006 sewage sludge was applied to selected plots at the rate of 100 t of dry matter per hectare while the other plots were fertilized with mineral nitrogen. After 6 years, the same sludge rate was applied to selected plots in order to achieve single or cumulative sludge rates. The sludge plots were compared to the plots constantly fertilized with ammonia nitrate and the plots treated with digestate. Sludge stimulated an increase in plant biomass similar or higher than the effect of mineral nitrogen fertilization. The highest enzyme activities were recorded for the cumulative sludge rates but the soils treated with single sludge rate also exhibited a high activity of alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenases. The count of culturable microorganisms reflected trends observed for the enzyme activities. The study revealed that sewage sludges that meet the quality standards for application in agriculture stimulate both the soil microbial activity and the number of microorganisms even when applied at high reclamation rates.

Nowa publikacja w Frontiers in Microbiology

Nowa publikacja w Frontiers in Microbiology

Fungal Genetics and Functional Diversity of Microbial Communities in the Soil under Long-Term Monoculture of Maize Using Different Cultivation Techniques; Gałązka A., Grządziel J.; Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9, 76, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00076

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Fungal diversity in the soil may be limited under natural conditions by inappropriate environmental factors such as: nutrient resources, biotic and abiotic factors, tillage system and microbial interactions that prevent the occurrence or survival of the species in the environment. The aim of this paper was to determine fungal genetic diversity and community level physiological profiling of microbial communities in the soil under long-term maize monoculture. The experimental scheme involved four cultivation techniques: direct sowing (DS), reduced tillage (RT), full tillage (FT), and crop rotation (CR). Soil samples were taken in two stages: before sowing of maize (DSBS-direct sowing, RTBS-reduced tillage, FTBS-full tillage, CRBS-crop rotation) and the flowering stage of maize growth (DSF-direct sowing, RTF-reduced tillage, FTF-full tillage, CRF-crop rotation). The following plants were used in the crop rotation: spring barley, winter wheat and maize. The study included fungal genetic diversity assessment by ITS-1 next generation sequencing (NGS) analyses as well as the characterization of the catabolic potential of microbial communities (Biolog EcoPlates) in the soil under long-term monoculture of maize using different cultivation techniques. The results obtained from the ITS-1 NGS technique enabled to classify and correlate the fungi species or genus to the soil metabolome. The research methods used in this paper have contributed to a better understanding of genetic diversity and composition of the population of fungi in the soil under the influence of the changes that have occurred in the soil under long-term maize cultivation. In all cultivation techniques, the season had a great influence on the fungal genetic structure in the soil. Significant differences were found on the family level (P = 0.032, F = 3.895), genus level (P= 0.026, F = 3.313) and on the species level (P = 0.033, F = 2.718). This study has shown that: (1) fungal diversity was changed under the influence different cultivation techniques; (2) techniques of maize cultivation and season were an important factors that can influence the biochemical activity of soil. Maize cultivated in direct sowing did not cause negative changes in the fungal structure, even making it more stable during seasonal changes; (3) full tillage and crop rotation may change fungal community and soil function.

Nowa publikacja w Plant, Soil and Environment

Nowa publikacja w Plant, Soil and Environment

Assessment of the glomalins content in the soil under winter wheat in different crop production systems, Gałązka A., Gawryjołek K., Gajda A.Furtak K., Księżniak A., Jończyk K., Plant, Soil and Environment, 2018, 64: 32-3

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The aim of the study was to evaluate the glomalins content (total glomalin (TG), easily extractable glomalin (EEG) and glomalin-related soil proteins (GRSP)) in the soil under winter wheat from different crop production systems. The experiment involved four different cultivation systems: organic, integrated (INT), conventional (CON), monoculture-conventional (MON). The highest content of TG and GRSP proteins were observed in organic system. A strong positive correlation was observed between the total number of glomalins and dehydrogenase activity and organic matter. A strong correlation between TG and GRSP content was observed (r = 0.93) as well as between EEG and GRSP (r = 0.79). The highest yields of winter wheat were observed in CON (9.12 t/ha) and INT (9.04 t/ha) systems, while the lowest in monoculture (4.47 t/ha).

Nowa publikacja pracowników w International Agrophysics

Nowa publikacja pracowników w International Agrophysics

Impact of abiotic factors on development of the community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the soil: a Review; Jamiołkowska A., Księżniak A., Gałązka A., Hetman B., Kopacki M., Skwaryło- Bednarz B.; International Agrophysics, 2018, 32, 1, 133-140,10.1515/intag-2016-0090

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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inhabiting soil play an important role for vascular plants. Interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, plants and soil microorganisms leads to many mutual advantages. However, the effectiveness of mycorrhizal fungi depends not only on biotic, but also abiotic factors such as physico-chemical properties of the soil, availability of water and biogenic elements, agricultural practices, and climatic conditions. First of all, it is important to adapt the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi species to changing environmental conditions. The compactness of the soil and its structure have a huge impact on its biological activity. Soil pH reaction has a substantial impact on the mobility of ions in soil dilutions and their uptake by plants and soil microflora. Water excess can be a factor negatively affecting arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi because these microorganisms are sensitive to a lower availability of oxygen. Mechanical cultivation of the soil has a marginal impact on the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spores. However, soil translocation can cause changes to the population of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi abundance in the soil profile. The geographical location and topographic differentiation of cultivated soils, as well as the variability of climatic factors affect the population of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the soils and their symbiotic activity.

Nowa publikacja pracowników w International Agrophysics

Nowa publikacja pracowników w International Agrophysics

Effects of conventional and reduced tillage of soil wellness. Gajda A.M., Czyż E.A, Dexter A.R, Furtak K.M., Grządziel J., Stanek-Tarkowska J.; International Agrophysics, 2018, 32, 81-91, doi: 10.1515/intag-2016-0089;

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The effects of different tillage systems on the properties and microbial diversity of an agricultural soil was investigated. In doing so, soil physical, chemical and biological properties were analysed in 2013-2015, on a long-term field experiment on a loamy sand at the IUNG-PIB Experimental Station in Grabów, Poland. Winter wheat was grown under two tillage treatments: conventional tillage using a mouldboard plough and traditional soil tillage equipment, and reduced tillage based on soil crushing-loosening equipment and a rigid-tine cultivator. Chopped wheat straw was used as a mulch on both treatments. Reduced tillage resulted in increased water content throughout the whole soil profile, in comparison with conventional tillage. Under reduced tillage, the content of readily dispersible clay was also reduced, and, therefore, soil stability was increased in the toplayers, compared with conventional tillage. In addition, the beneficial effects of reduced tillage were reflected in higher soil microbial activity as measured with dehydrogenases and hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate, compared with conventional tillage. Moreover, the polimerase chain reaction – denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis showed that soil under reduced tillage had greater diversity of microbial communities, compared with conventionally-tilled soil. Finally, reduced tillage increased organic matter content, stability in water and microbial diversity in the top layer of the soil.

Zakład Mikrobiologii
IUNG-PIB w Puławach


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