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OSMO-PROTECT (2024-2027)

Lider14/0250/2023, NCBR

dr Karolina Furtak

Development of an innovative osmoprotective microbial preparation for the support and protection of crop plants under osmotic stress conditions caused by variable soil moisture and salinity


Development of an innovative osmoprotective microbial preparation for the support and protection of crop plants under osmotic stress conditions caused by variable soil moisture and salinity


PRELUDIUM 18 NCN (2020-2023)


mgr Karolina Furtak

The search for bacteria adapting to extreme soil moisture conditions and the assessment of the effects of hydric stress on the quality of the soil environment

Preludium 18 NCN (2020-2023)

Title: The search for bacteria adapting to extreme soil moisture conditions and the assessment of the effects of hydric stress on the quality of the soil environment


No.: 2019/35/N/NZ9/00830


Keywords: bacterial community, flood, floodplain, fluvisols, hydrological events, hydrological stress, microbiome, soil bacteria, soil moisture, soil quality


Project description

BIOSTRATEG – Bio-Fertil (2018 – 2021)

Development of a technology of innovative microbiologically enriched mineral fertilizers

BIOSTRATEG - Bio-Fertil (2018 - 2021)

ENG:   Development of a technology of innovative microbiologically enriched mineral fertilizers


PL: Opracowanie technologii innowacyjnych nawozów mineralnych wzbogaconych mikrobiologicznie


Grant number: BIOSTRATEG3/347464/5/NCBR/2017


keywords: microbial fertilisers, mineral fertilizers, plant growth promoting, plant protection, NPK

LIDER IX programme (NCBiR)
(2018 – 2021)

Innovative product to stimulate the growth and yield of winter wheat

LIDER IX programme (NCBiR) (2018 - 2021)

ENG:   Innovative product to stimulate the growth and yield of winter wheat


PL:  Innowacyjny preparat do stymulacji wzrostu i plonowania pszenicy ozimej


Grant number: LIDER IX programme (0024/L-9/2017)


Published data:

Culture-independent analysis of an endophytic core microbiome in two species of wheat: Triticum aestivum L. (cv. ‘Hondia’) and the first report of microbiota in Triticum spelta L. (cv. ‘Rokosz’)


keywords: winter wheat, endophytes, crop yield, inoculant, PGPR, growth promoting bacteria, in-vitro plants

BIOSTRATEG – EcoFruits (2018 – 2021)

New biotechnological solutions for diagnostics, control and monitoring of key fungal pathogens in organic cultivation of soft fruits

BIOSTRATEG - EcoFruits (2018 - 2021)

ENG:   New biotechnological solutions for diagnostics, control and monitoring of key fungal pathogens in organic cultivation of soft fruits


PL:  Nowe rozwiązania biotechnologiczne w diagnostyce, zwalczaniu i monitoringu kluczowych patogenów grzybowych w ekologicznej uprawie owoców miękkich


Grant number:  BIOSTRATEG3/344433/16/NCBR/2018


keywords: plant pathogen, fungi, biopesticides

 PRELUDIUM 11 NCN (2017 – 2019)
dr inż. Barbara Abramczyk

Characteristics of metabolites secreted by Phomopsis prunorum, a new fruit plant pathogen in Poland and its molecular identification

PRELUDIUM 11 NCN (2017 - 2019) - dr inż. Barbara Abramczyk

ENG:   Characteristics of metabolites secreted by Phomopsis prunorum, a new fruit plant pathogen in Poland and its molecular identification


PL: Charakterystyka metabolitów wydzielanych przez Phomopsis prunorum nowego w warunkach Polski patogena roślin sadowniczych oraz jego identyfikacja molekularna


keywords: plant pathogen, Phomopsis, molecular identification, metabolites

PRELUDIUM 12 NCN (2017 – 2019)
mgr Małgorzata Woźniak

The influence of fast-growing trees Paulownia Clon in Vitro 112 (P.elonagta x P. fortunei) on microbiological and physico-chemical properties of soils in Poland

PRELUDIUM 12 NCN (2017 - 2019) - mgr Małgorzata Woźniak

ENG:   The influence of fast-growing trees Paulownia Clon in Vitro 112 (P.elonagta x P. fortunei) on microbiological and physico-chemical properties of soils in Poland


PL: Wpływ szybko rosnących drzew Paulownia Clon In Vitro 112 (P.elonagta x P. fortunei) na właściwości mikrobiologiczne i fizyko-chemiczne gleb w warunkach Polski.


Published data:

Microbial Diversity of Paulownia spp. Leaves–A New Source of Green Manure, doi: 10.15376/biores.13.3.4807-4819




keywords: paulownia, microbial parameters, soil, microbiome

PRELUDIUM 9 NCN (2016 – 2019)
mgr inż. Sylwia Siebielec

Role of microorganisms in colonization of smelter wastelands by plants and their impact on bioavailability of trace elements

PRELUDIUM 9 NCN (2016 - 2019) - mgr inż. Sylwia Siebielec

ENG:   Role of microorganisms in colonization of smelter wastelands by plants and their impact on bioavailability of trace elements


PL: Rola mikroorganizmów w zasiedlaniu składowisk odpadów pohutniczych przez rośliny oraz ich wpływ na biodostępność pierwiastków śladowych


Published data:

Long term insight into biodiversity of a smelter wasteland reclaimed with biosolids and by-product lime, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.372 


keywords: trace elements, diversity, smelter wastelands, bioavailability, microorganisms


Project description

IUNG-PIB Statutory Funding 1.27 (2019 – 2021)
dr hab. Anna Gałązka, prof. IUNG

Structural and functional characteristics of soil microbial biodiversity in forest and agricultural ecosystems

IUNG-PIB Statutory Funding 1.27 (2019 - 2021) - dr hab. Anna Gałązka, prof. IUNG

ENG:   Structural and functional characteristics of soil microbial biodiversity in forest and agricultural ecosystems


PL: Charakterystyka strukturalna i funkcjonalna bioróżnorodności mikroorganizmów glebowych w ekosystemie leśnym i rolniczym


keywords: microbial diversity, forests, microorganisms, soil, functional diversity

IUNG-PIB Statutory Funding 1.20 (2017 – 2019)
dr hab. Anna Gałązka, prof. IUNG

Evaluation of the structural diversity of microorganisms in the soil and in the cereal rhizosphere

IUNG-PIB Statutory Funding 1.20 (2017 - 2019) - dr hab. Anna Gałązka, prof. IUNG

ENG:   Evaluation of the structural diversity of microorganisms in the soil and in the cereal rhizosphere


PL: Ocena strukturalnej różnorodności mikroorganizmów w glebie i w ryzosferze zbóż


keywords: microbial diversity, rhizosphere, cereals, microorganisms, soil

IUNG-PIB Statutory Funding 2.41 (2019 – 2021)
mgr inż. Sylwia Siebielec

Assessment of environmental effects of the use of exogenous sources of organic matter in agriculture

IUNG-PIB Statutory Funding 2.41 (2019 - 2021) - mgr inż. Sylwia Siebielec

ENG:   Assessment of environmental effects of the use of exogenous sources of organic matter in agriculture


PL:  Ocena skutków środowiskowych wykorzystania egzogennych źródeł materii organicznej w rolnictwie.


keywords: organic matter, soil, agriculture, environment

IUNG-PIB Dotation for Young Scientists (2018)
mgr Karolina Furtak

Influence of summer floods on changes in structural and functional biodiversity of selected fluvisols

IUNG-PIB Dotation for Young Scientists (2018) - mgr Karolina Furtak

ENG:  Influence of summer floods on changes in structural and functional biodiversity of selected fluvisols


PL: Wpływ letnich powodzi na zmiany bioróżnorodności strukturalnej i funkcjonalnej mikrobiomu wybranych mad rzecznych


keywords: anaerobic conditions, flood, floodplain, fluvisols, microcosms, simulation, soil moisture


Published data:

Analysis of Soil Properties, Bacterial Community Composition, and Metabolic Diversity in Fluvisols of a Floodplain Area


Prevalence of unclassified bacteria in the soil bacterial community from floodplain meadows (fluvisols) under simulated flood conditions revealed by a metataxonomic approaches


Changes in soil enzymatic activity caused by hydric stress


Project description in English



IUNG-PIB Statutory funding 1.22 (2018 – 2020)
mgr Monika Kozieł

Microbiological release of phosphorus by rhizospheric bacteria and their molecular characteristics

IUNG-PIB Statutory funding 1.22 (2018 - 2020) - mgr Monika Kozieł

ENG: Microbiological release of phosphorus by rhizospheric bacteria and their molecular characteristics


PL: Mikrobiologiczne uwalnianie fosforu przez bakterie ryzosferowe i ich charakterystyka molekularna


keywords: rhizosphere, phosphorous, molecular analysis

IUNG-PIB Dotation for Young Scientists (2017)
mgr Jarosław Grządziel

Development of molecular standards for rapid identification of dominant bacteria colonizing different soil environments, using the Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE)

IUNG-PIB Dotation for Young Scientists (2017) - mgr Jarosław Grządziel

ENG: Development of molecular standards for rapid identification of dominant bacteria colonizing different soil environments, using the Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE)


PL: Opracowanie wzorców molekularnych do szybkiej identyfikacji dominujących bakterii zasiedlających różne środowiska glebowe, z wykorzystaniem techniki elektroforezy w gradiencie środka denaturującego (DGGE)


keywords: DGGE, microbial identification, molecular standards, bacteria, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis

 IUNG-PIB Statutory funding 1.21 (2017 – 2019)
mgr Małgorzata Woźniak

Molecular and biochemical identification of endophytic bacteria and their use in promoting plant growth

IUNG-PIB Statutory funding 1.21 (2017 - 2019) - mgr Małgorzata Woźniak

ENG: Molecular and biochemical identification of endophytic bacteria and their use in promoting plant growth


PL: Identyfikacja molekularna i biochemiczna bakterii endofitycznych i ich zastosowanie w promowaniu wzrostu roślin


keywords: endophytes, biochemistry, bacteria, PGPR, microbial identification


Published data:

The identification and genetic diversity of endophytic bacteria isolated from selected crops


Endophytic Bacteria Potentially Promote Plant Growth by Synthesizing Different Metabolites and their Phenotypic/Physiological Profiles in the Biolog GEN III MicroPlateTM Test

IUNG-PIB Dotation for Young Scientists (2017)
mgr Karolina Gawryjołek

Determination of the effect of coinoculation of meadow clover (Trifoilium pratense) with Azospirillum spp. and Rhizobium on plant growth and nodulation under contamination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

UNG-PIB - Dotation for Young Scientists (2017) - mgr Karolina Gawryjołek

ENG: Determination of the effect of coinoculation of meadow clover (Trifoilium pratense) with Azospirillum spp. and Rhizobium on plant growth and nodulation under contamination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons


PL: Określenie wpływu koinokulacyjnego szczepienia koniczyny łąkowej (Trifoilium pratense) Azospirillum spp. i Rhizobium na wzrost i brodawkowanie roślin w warunkach skażenia wielopierścieniowymi węglowodorami aromatycznymi


keywords: PAHs, microbial diversity, trifolium, azospirillum, rhizobium, nodulation, aromatic hydrocarbons, contamination, pollution

IUNG-PIB Dotation for Young Scientists (2016)
mgr inż. Sylwia Siebielec

Changes in the diversity and functioning of microorganisms under conditions of drought and intensive changes in soil moisture and their consequences for greenhouse gas emissions

IUNG-PIB - Dotation for Young Scientists (2016) - mgr inż. Sylwia Siebielec

ENG: Changes in the diversity and functioning of microorganisms under conditions of drought and intensive changes in soil moisture and their consequences for greenhouse gas emissions


PLZmiany różnorodności i funkcjonalności drobnoustrojów w warunkach suszy i intensywnych zmian wilgotności gleby oraz ich konsekwencje dla emisji gazów cieplarnianych


keywords: drought, microbial diversity, soil microbiome, greenhouse gases

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